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Noble M15

The Noble M15 is a sports car advised and developed by Noble Automotive, a high-performance sports car architect based in Leicestershire, England.

Production of the M15 was due to activate in aboriginal 2006. The Noble M15 is advised to address to a far broader bazaar than the M12-GTO3R or the M400 and attempt anon with the Porsche 911 Turbo/GT-3 and Ferrari F430. As a aftereffect the Noble M15 has a cardinal of appearance not ahead begin on Nobles such as accessory navigation, absorption control, electric windows and ABS.

Noble architect Lee Noble has been quoted in advertence "the M12 is a abundant car, but it's actual focused and [he] capital to aftermath a supercar bodies could use everyday...It was time for Noble to booty a big footfall up in agreement of refinement, acumen and style." Despite added abundance and account compared to antecedent Noble cars, Lee Noble has additionally declared that the M15 is decidedly quicker than the M400 about a chase track.

The car is based on a cast fresh belvedere with a longitudinally army agent affiliated to a bespoke gearbox created by Graziano. The bifold wishbone abeyance is a development of the arrangement army on the M400. Mounting the agent longitudinally (rather than beyond as on the M400) accustomed the agent designers to access the cooling breeze to the engine, which allows the 3.0l accompanying turbo V6 Ford Duratec agent to advance 455 bhp (339 kW; 461 PS). The agent has been advised to accommodated European discharge standards and the fresh steel/aluminium amplitude anatomy has been advised with a appearance to casual blast analysis regulations about the world. The M15 is planned to be the aboriginal Noble which assets European and US blazon approval.

Like all the Noble M models, the M15 has a animate spaceframe and cycle cage covered with graphite-reinforced artificial anatomy panelling, aerial disc brakes advanced and rear and a turbocharged 3-litre V6 engine, but clashing the antecedent models is advised to be added of a admirable tourer/everyday sports car (an archetype of which would be the now-defunct Honda NSX) rather than an absolute clue day car.

The Noble M15 accelerates from 0-62 mph 62 mph (100 km/h) in 3.5 abnormal and has a top acceleration of 185 mph (298 km/h). Its anatomy appearance is a auto and it has 2 seats. In Britain it costs £74,950.

When it appeared on the accepted British car TV appearance Top Gear, it was apprenticed by Richard Hammond who accepted its administration ("it aloof grips and grips, and again there's a tiny little bit of understeer to acquaint you you're actuality a bit of a spanner.") When it was handed over to Top Gear's 'tame antagonism driver', The Stig, it completed a lap of their ambit in 1:22.5, a time faster than a Ferrari F430 (1:22.9), and an Audi R8 (1:24.4). It was accepted by Jeremy Clarkson, who alleged it "one of those Giant Killers."

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