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Tesla Roadster

The Tesla Roadster is a array electric agent (BEV) sports car produced by the electric car close Tesla Motors in California. The Roadster was the aboriginal highway-capable all-electric agent in consecutive assembly accessible in the United States. Since 2008 Tesla has awash 1,650 Roadsters in 30 countries through March 2011.[2][3] Tesla began bearing right-hand-drive Roadsters in aboriginal 2010 for the British Isles, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore.[4]

The Roadster is the aboriginal assembly auto to use lithium-ion array beef and the aboriginal assembly BEV (all-electric) to biking added than 200 afar (320 km) per charge.[5] The apple ambit almanac of 501 km (311 mi) for a assembly electric car on a distinct allegation was set by a Roadster on October 27, 2009, during the Global Green Claiming in outback Australia, in which it averaged a acceleration of 25 mph (40 km/h).[6][7] In March 2010, a Tesla Roadster became the aboriginal electric agent to win the Monte Carlo Alternative Energy Rally and the aboriginal to win any Federation Internationale de l'Automobile-sanctioned championship back a Roadster apprenticed by above Formula One disciplinarian Érik Comas exhausted 96 competitors for range, ability and achievement in the three-day, about 1,000-kilometer (621 mile) challenge.[8]

According to the U.S. EPA, the Roadster can biking 244 afar (393 km) on a distinct charge[9] of its lithium-ion array pack, and can advance from 0 to 60 mph (0 to 97 km/h) in 3.9 seconds. The Roadster's efficiency, as of September 2008[update], was appear as 120 mpgge (2.0 L/100 km). It uses 135 Wh/km (21.7 kW·h/100 mi, 13.5 kW·h/100 km or 490 kJ/km) battery-to-wheel, and has an ability of 88% on average.[10]

The Roadster has a abject amount of US$109,000 in the United States, £86,950 in the United Kingdom, and €84,000 in continental Europe.[11] As an electric vehicle, the Roadster additionally qualifies for several government incentives in abounding nations.[12][13] Tesla intends to advertise the accepted adaptation of the Roadster until aboriginal 2012, back its accumulation of Lotus Elise gliders is accepted to run out, as its arrangement with Lotus Cars for 2,400 gliders expires at the end of 2011. The abutting bearing is not accepted to be alien until at atomic 2013.

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