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Mazda RX-8 controlled through iPod touch

Modern-day automotive geekery knows no bounds. Need proof? Check out the video after the break. You'll see a black Mazda RX-8 that's been modified with enough computer-controlled junk in the trunk to make it capable of performing all sorts of neat parlor tricks through a web application running on an iPod touch. For instance, the car's central locking system can be activated, the trunk can be popped and the engine can be started and shut back off. There's also a GPS feature that allows the car's location to be tracked through Google Maps.

As impressive as all of this is, the coolest part is that the car can be remote controlled from anywhere in the world via a 3G modem that keeps the computer connected to the web. We can only assume that the next step in the project will see the car's steering, acceleration and shifting controls connected through the phone, James Bond style.

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